John Dunn Antiques Auction Flies High
The sale of the Stock-in-Trade of John Antiques wrote itself into the Australian auction history books with sensational results. Right from lot 1, the trio of Japanese bronze cranes dating from the late 19th century, Artvisory's estimates were smashed again and again. This set of ornamental garden decorations were of exceptional quality and scale, but their estimate was made to look very conservative at AUD$10,000-15,000 when they realised over AUD$90,000, and the 350 lot auction never looked backwards from there. By the end of the marathon auction only 6 lots were left, which is a staggering result for a high-value furniture based auction in Australia and the sale total was some 140% sold by value. Needless to say we had a happy vendor in Francis Dunn and his glowing testimonial that we received afterwards was a great joy to read and very much appreciated. This is now published in full under testimonials on this website.